Imagine Believe magazine is presented and recognized by the international community at an event in Germany

Between the 12th and 14th of June, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) of the German city of Giessen held “The World Meets in Giessen”, an event that brought together personalities from all over the world with a single objective: to build bridges capable of bringing continents together. On this occasion, the journalist and founder of Revista Imagine Acredite, Sérgio Botelho Júnior, accompanied by partner Franco Nicolletti, presented to the international community the only printed vehicle in circulation within the Brazilian National Congress.

During the presentation, Sérgio Botelho Júnior highlighted that the magazine, which already enjoys wide recognition in Brazil, is an important channel for companies, institutions or investors to present projects and initiatives that they may want to take to Brazil.

“As the only printed vehicle in circulation within Congress, Revista Imagine Acredite is the easiest way for companies, institutions and people to present themselves directly to the National Congress and thus find parliamentary partners for their ideas and projects in Brazil”, emphasized the founder of print.

Sérgio also recalled that the printed material was created to publicize the New National Policy on Drugs and that the ceremony celebrating the five years of the printed material, with the awarding of the Imagine Believe trophy, merely established the printed material as one of the most important communication vehicles within the powers of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

Furthermore, as the only Brazilian journalist in Giessen, Botelho Júnior provided exclusive coverage for Brazilians of the event organized by IHK, which – like those present – recognized him with a certificate and a trophy. “This tribute and recognition to our media outlet is a sign that we are on the right path, providing trustworthy journalism”, said the journalist.

On the other hand, Dr. Mathias Leder, CEO of the Giessen Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK), who was also honored with the Imagine Believe Trophy, highlighted the importance of the communication vehicle for the world. “We thank you for your participation in our Conference. You play a fantastic role”, praises the CEO to the Brazilian journalist.

It is worth noting that “The World Meets in Giessen” brought together authorities from different countries, ambassadors, consuls, journalists, businesspeople and doctors from different countries, promoting the exchange of ideas and innovative practices. In total, in addition to a great space for networking, the event offered three days of lectures, workshops and round tables on topics relevant to industry and global trade.

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